Matching Baskets Program

Organizations can apply to the Matching Baskets Program to reduce the cost of installation of a disc golf course. Through this Disc Golf Foundation program, a minimum of five baskets (nine-hole course, with one practice basket) and a maximum of nine baskets (18+ hole course) are donated to a limited number of organizations, if the organizations receiving awards agree to purchase an equal or greater number of baskets at full retail price, pay for shipping of all 10-18+ baskets, and agree to install and maintain the course on property that their organizations own.

DGA Mach Basket
DGA MachV Basket
Innova Discatcher


  1. Organizations that are eligible to participate in this program include college and university campuses, K-12 schools (public and private), non-profit youth camps (YMCA/YWCA, Boy/Girl Scouts, etc.) and city/county/state parks. There are no geographic restrictions for participation in this Program. That said, any baskets being shipped outside the United States (particularly overseas) can involve substantially higher shipping costs.
  2. The disc golf course using the baskets that have been included as a part of this Program must be open for play to the general public a majority of the time. i.e. When classes are not in session.
  3. The course must be located on property that either the organization applying to the Program owns/controls, or that the organization has the express written approval (included with your application) of the land owner to design and install the course in question on their property. The particular land in question must also be approved for use as a disc golf course by the land owner.
  4. If an award is granted through the Matching Baskets Program the recipient must install all of the baskets on the disc golf course within 1 year of award notification. Invoice must be paid for all baskets and shipping costs from the manufacturer within ninety (90) days of award notification. Failure to install all of the baskets within 1 year or failure to pay the invoice for the baskets and shipping in the first ninety (90) days, will result in an invoice to the awardee for the entire retail cost of the baskets that had initially been provided for (only) the cost of shipping.
  5. A detailed map of the proposed course design must be provided to the DGF as a part of this application process. The proposed course design will then be reviewed by members of the Course Development Committee and, should the Course Development Committee recommend approval of the application, by members of the DGF Board.
  6. A detailed financial plan for the course must be presented, which itemizes the funds that have been allocated toward the installation of said course on the organization's property.
  7. Tee surfaces, tee signs, a message board, and trash cans are recommended but are the responsibility of the organization to provide.

Through contributions by the Disc Golf Association, Discraft, Innova-Champion, MVP Disc Sports and Prodigy, the DGF offers five different disc golf baskets: the Mach V, the ChainStar PRO, the DISCatcher, the Black Hole® Portal, and Prodigy's T1, T2 or T3 baskets. The choice of baskets is at the discretion of the organization on a first-come, first served basis, but only two sets of baskets will be offered per year by each of these manufacturers.

Example: The Disc Golf Foundation has made two awards in the current year, with both organizations electing to install ChainStar PRO baskets from Discraft on their courses. All organizations receiving future awards in that calendar year will then need to select between Mach V, DISCatcher and Black Hole® Portal baskets.


You may submit an application to the Disc Golf Foundation, which will initially be reviewed by the Foundation's Course Development Committee. That Committee will then recommend that an award be made/denied to the Foundation Board of Directors, who will make the final decision on any award.

By accepting receipt of any award made through this Matching Baskets Program, applicants will agree to hereby waive and forever release the officers, directors, agents, volunteers, sponsors, donees and local organizers of the Disc Golf Foundation from and against any and all liabilities, claims, expenses or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, arising out of or relating to the design and installation of the disc golf course in question. The Disc Golf Foundation has not played a role in the design of said course, nor is it the land owner. All liability and responsibility for said course lies with the land owners and course designer(s) in question.


  1. Meeting all requirements set forth in the Program Requirements section of this document.
  2. The availability of other disc golf courses within thirty (30) miles of the campus/property in question. Priority for awards will be given to organizations wishing to install courses in regions where few(er)/no current courses exist for the general public to enjoy.
  3. Organizations serving the particular needs of youth and/or women will be given a higher priority with the limited number of awards we can make on an annual basis.
  4. The timeliness in which applications are received ("tie" going to first-come, first-served, with all things being equal in the previous three criteria mentioned above).
  5. The Disc Golf Foundation reserves the right to deny participation in its Matching Baskets Program for failure to comply with any of the Program's requirements, and/or if, upon review of the proposed course design, said design is deemed unsuitable for the available land.

Matching Baskets Program - Online Application

Contact Mike Harrington, DGF Course Development Committee Chair, at