Culture Preservation

Culture Preservation


The Disc Golf Foundation is dedicated to preserving the History of Disc Golf.

DGA used DGF support to establish the Ed Headrick Memorial Museum at the International Disc Golf Center in Appling, GA. Thousands of visitors to the IDGC have been delighted to see historical discs, photos and other artifacts from the genesis of the sport housed in this museum.

Discover the History of Disc Golf

Ed Headrick Memorial Museum
Take a Virtual Tour

Traveling Disc Golf Museum

Traveling Museum

The Disc Golf Association also endowed a traveling disc golf history exhibit that premiered at the 2015 Pro World Disc Golf Championships in Pittsburgh, PA and has also exhibited at the Lemon Lake Flight Center in Crown Point, IN. The Traveling Museum was made possible thanks to the partnership of Farina Headrick, Lavonne Wolf, J Gary Dropcho and the PDGA.

Organizations interested in hosting this informative display should send a proposal to the Disc Golf Foundation.

Discover the History of Disc Golf

Traveling Museum of Disc Golf
Take a Virtual Tour

Disc Golf Hall of Fame

Disc Golf Hall of Fame

The Disc Golf Hall of Fame in Appling, GA is also being supported through donations to the DGF.

Cultural Offerings

The Culture Committee is currently working on evolving their program. The new program will consist of the following:

Traveling Exhibits
Traveling Displays
Virtual Tour and Resource Site

The Committee is looking for volunteers to help with gathering the history of the sport through interviews, research, donation and collection of artifacts, finding collectors to make special appearances, and working the DGF booth at various events. Contact us at to learn more and get involved!